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Let’s face the FACTS, as discussed previously Superior Court Rule 9A is as confusing to most attorneys as it would be to non-attorneys. Sometimes this statute can feel like trying to decipher the map to the Holy Grail—so get out your Indiana Jones hat and whip and let’s get cracking. First and foremost, realize […]
Pursuant to the Personal Lines Bulletin from Citizens on December 6, 2022, beginning February 2023, a new form of alternative dispute resolution was implemented by Citizens Property Insurance Corporation. It is a means to avoid lengthy litigation in favor of an expedited track for resolution. Utilizing the State of Florida Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH), […]
For many years courts have been burdened with delays in moving cases to conclusion, primarily because attorneys were not diligent in preparing cases for trial, resulting in attorneys requesting continuances to obtain additional time to prepare for trial. One of the reasons for delays arose from the discovery process. Attorneys would delay in propounding or […]